My last blog post

Hello there, hope you are well as the title states yes, this is my last blog for this site but worry not, I will write again soon.

But why you ask?

As some of you know I’ve started working on my show/podcast known as the Rajiv show and now that I’ve realized that the show has taken on another whole set of responsibilities.

Lately, I’ve been putting so much pressure on myself to write content here at the very last minute instead of writing something from my heart, and now I feel it’s time to let go something to do something else.

As I mentioned above, I will write again soon, maybe perhaps on another blog related to my new venture, The Rajiv show. Don’t worry; I will leave this blog permanently if you folks would want to revisit this blog anytime you wish.

I hope you stay safe out there to all my dear readers; much love and cheers!


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