Your legacy, how do you want to be remembered?

“Legacy.” The one word everyone in this world wants to achieve yet only a few of them are willing to take. There is something about the idea of a legacy that motivates a man to move ahead and take it from this world.
What is the value of the word legacy?
In my opinion, it is something that you leave behind that grows in value and changes the world even when you are gone.
How to build a legacy?
Before we answer that, I am sure your definition of legacy is different to everyone who reads this blog post. Probably your legacy is just to keep your family happy and safe or keeping yourself happy being helping out others in need.
The best way to answer our question about legacy is by looking at those that had nothing and became something like: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and the others.
The fact they had a vision in their life, they went out and performed their hearts out. That is how they dominated in their own field that became the legacy they built came from that hard work.
Building a legacy is not as easy as looks but, here are some tips that might help get you one level higher than where you are:
- Provide value for someone.
- Be obsessed with what you are doing. (Know what you want, go out and take it.)
- Learn new things, practice, evolve repeat.
- Be a learner.
- Widen your network.
I hope these tips may help you along the way and do not forget that hard work beats everyone, every time.
You cannot get on top of the mountain without climbing through the madness around it.
In the end, you will know what is right for you and your legacy.
Just keep moving and don’t look back.
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