If you fail now, what are you going to do about it?

Looking back, I am not the smartest out of the bunch, I looked at life differently. Things are far different from where I see them.

With that said and done, I have my fair share of failures? 

It brought me closer to who I want to be and where I am heading.

Image credit: Pexels
Image credit: Pexels

What’s the importance of failure, and why do we need it?

Think of it like this, imagine you are driving a car under a foggy day. Every mile you take you to get to see something you least expect and you use it to your advantages in some creative way.

Your vision only becomes better with every mile you take.

I’m sure you know that most of us see failure as a threat of some sort. In a way, it is if you see it negatively. It will not help you, but if you see it as a stepping stone to your next move. Then you are on your way.

That is why we need to fail. 

Failures can be eye-openers to reality.

Sometimes we set a high expectation from reality that is far off from our reach. We need to understand some of the successes we see from other people are far more different in terms of geography, people, and intentions.

Not to say that if you fail, it becomes the end of the world.
Keep doing what you do, keep learning, keep growing but know that reality is far from what you least expect.

Personal story;

Through the countless years of my failures, I’ve accumulated over the years looking back at all of it. It seems that there is a path that cleared itself to me.

Mind you, I am just an average joe, in my early years had not planned a single thing in my life, I go with what is new at the time. 

I took a bit of everything I learned from this world, and I combined them to create something of value for myself, and I used each piece of knowledge to my advantage.

Point of it all is that if you allow yourself to fail and learn to grow from it. 

You will know what you will want in life.

Question for you;

What is the most pivotal point in your life that changed you? Did you fail first before you figure it out?

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